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Mr. Zhan Yueping, Deputy Mayor of Quzhou Came to Huakang for Research Task

On the morning of December 19th, Mr. Zhan Yueping, Deputy Mayor of Quzhou, accompanied by the members of the city administration office and so on, came to Huakang for visit. On the research meeting, Deputy General Manager, Xu Xiaorong gave a detailed report on the production and export situation of this year, especially the mesures taken after the financial crisis.

Mr. Zhan agreed on the detailed mesures which Huakang has taken. He pointed out that the company should further improve the anti-risk ability. They need to make full use of own strength and enlarge the market development depth to adjust the product structure. Also, the companies should further improve the internal work and accomplish the technology innovation. The improvement of the management and service level can guide them to survive the crisis. He pointed out that the crisis is challenge and the opportunity as well. The enterprises should be confident to handle the transformation and upgrade to overcome the obstacles. In the meanwhile, he requested that the related administration departments should do the service job well to make better environment for the enterprises to help them survive and develop in the difficult situation.